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How about coming to Saint-Malo for your next holidays?

Discover the accommodation in Saint-Malo  with all the facilities you are looking for during your stay in France. Saint-Malo is also the perfect place to welcome families : connecting rooms, kid’s club, activities… everything is planned for an unforgettable holiday in Brittany !

For winter holidays, a large range of activities are orgazined for young people and adults : guided tours, activities for the family, sports, …

Make the most of all the activities during winter holidays:

High Tides in Saint-Malo


Discover the phenomenon of high tides in Saint Malo !

From the 1st to the 4th of February and from the 1st to the 5th of March you will be able to enjoy the show with a tidal coefficient going up to 109 !

Family guided Tour of the Privateers’ City

vacances en famille

The Saint-Malo tourist office organizes guided tours of the town: Make the most of Saint-Malo’s History, of the old town with its ramparts, islands of Grand Bé and Petit Bé, fortified monuments…

Rates: Child: 7 €, Adult: 3 €. From the 3rd child 4 € (free for children under 4 years old).

Duration: 1h30.

Book your tour at the Tourist Office.

Esplanade Saint-Vincent
35400 Saint-Malo


« Raconte-moi Saint-Malo! »

“Tell me about Saint-Malo” a visit for young people

Le Fort National à Saint-Malo

Go to the Tourist Office of Saint-Malo pour une visite ludique de la cité corsaire: visite historique et adaptée aux petits sous forme de jeu.

Visits are organized for children from 5 to 8 years old. Duration 1h.

Rates: Childt: 7 €. Free for the adult, free for children under 4 years old.

Book your tour at the Tourist Office.

Esplanade Saint-Vincent
35400 Saint-Malo

The Intrailmuros

intrail st malo

On the 23rd of February Intrailmuros, 12km race by night in the city center.

Fun Fair – The Sainte-Ouine

From the 20th of January to the 18th of February, all along Saint-Malo ramparts, will thake place the 91st edition of the Sainte-Ouine, the fun fair of the city.